Sounds like all Greek to me.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Performance Impact due to Google Indexing
by Simon injust a heads up in case the site seems slow - you're requests are competing with googlebot because it's being indexed and it's really going at it ... a minute ago there were 40+ instances fired up there were so many requests coming it.
i guess the data doesn't have far to travel so it can hit things hard.
i did have a throttle in place but took it off because i wanted to speed things up a bit ... well, it worked!.
Village Idiot
What were Jesus's 'Miracles' supposed to prove?
by nicolaou inthe healings, feeding the five thousand, walking on water, resurrecting the dead.
none of it happened of course but let's take the bible literally and say that it did.. so?.
didn't magic practicing priests perform 'miracles' in a contest with aaron?
Village Idiot
Jesus' mother and his family thought he was crazy; a good hint there. - Mark 3:20-21.
What were Jesus's 'Miracles' supposed to prove?
by nicolaou inthe healings, feeding the five thousand, walking on water, resurrecting the dead.
none of it happened of course but let's take the bible literally and say that it did.. so?.
didn't magic practicing priests perform 'miracles' in a contest with aaron?
Village Idiot
The miracles are a fictional creation of the gospel writers but if, as recorded in the Bible and as VI has explained, Jesus did claim the miracles as his own it only goes to prove his dishonesty.
I believe that Jesus was a failed magician who actually believed his miracles could become real if people had enough faith. He was obsessed with the issue of faith and the miracles that it could create. Self delusion.
What were Jesus's 'Miracles' supposed to prove?
by nicolaou inthe healings, feeding the five thousand, walking on water, resurrecting the dead.
none of it happened of course but let's take the bible literally and say that it did.. so?.
didn't magic practicing priests perform 'miracles' in a contest with aaron?
Village Idiot
What were Jesus's 'Miracles' supposed to prove?
Good question. Of equal importance is how he considered persons who were skeptical of his miracles.
13 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14 But it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. 15 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. Luke 10:13-15 New International Version
So, he supposedly forgave his murderers but damned to Hades those who disbelieved. And why were these people supposed to believe when magicians were a dime a dozen in the ancient world. A sincere and rational person would have been, in the mental framework of that time, willing to believe if there were proof that his miracles were legitimate but their religion would consider the possibility that a 'miracle' would come from Satan. So how does one tell the difference?
From that attitude, as well as from non-theological skepticism, one would first question the recipients of those 'miracles'. Did they know them personally? How do they know that Jesus had not slipped a silver coin into the hands of a healthy person instructed to act blind or hunchback?
Playboy Features Hijab for the First Time
by Village Idiot in.
don't know about you guys but i've always found something erotic about muslim women wearing the hijab and, not the burkha, but a modest loose dress that leaves plenty to the imagination.
it has an air of the mysterious like i want to actually get underneath it and explore what most men are not allowed to see in the relatively modest dresses of western women.. here's an article on miss playboy bunny: any fantasizers out there?.
Village Idiot
Don't know about you guys but I've always found something erotic about Muslim women wearing the Hijab and, not the Burkha, but a modest loose dress that leaves plenty to the imagination. It has an air of the mysterious like I want to actually get underneath it and explore what most men are not allowed to see in the relatively modest dresses of Western women.
Here's an article on Miss Playboy Bunny:
Any fantasizers out there?
Will China's Giant New Radio Telescope be able to hear YHWH and JESUS conversing?
by fulltimestudent inchina has just switched on its 500 metre diameter radio telescope, nearly twice as large as the previous largest.
among other things it is tasked to do, it will eventually be programmed to look for and analyse radio waves that may have a non-natural origin.. so will the scientists manning this facility eventually hear yhwh and jesus having a chat?.
Village Idiot
It's unlikely that aliens, if they're out there will have any reason to beam a signal to every planet in existence. It would not be our earth alone because they would have no idea who or what is here because of the enormous distances and how long it would take to observe any planet tens, hundreds and thousands of light years away.
Any message sent by them or us would have to be a tightly aimed beam of energy because any signal that comes out of this or any planet will be soon degraded to the point where it wouldn't be distinguishable from cosmic background noise.
Any Others of the "Anointed"?
by Hernandez ini was baptized in 1985, was a regular pioneer, ministerial servant, and on the way to becoming an elder when i left the witnesses in 1999. i also was one of those who claimed and (at the time ) believed i was one of the anointed.. i am wondering if there are any others here who also claimed they were of the anointed?
how did you come to that conclusion?
how do you feel about your claim now that you are out?.
Village Idiot
I once asked a member of the anointed (who was not respected by some others) why he thought he was of them. He said that he always felt different, for example he was able to feel the earth rotating underneath him. Huh?!
Logical Problem with WT Anointed
by Vanderhoven7 inthe watchtower september 1, 1951, in a wonderful article entitled “hated for his name”(pp518,519) describes the persecution and martyrdom of steadfast christians in the first 3 centuries ad.. by the year (a.d.) 64 christianity was.
prominent throughout much of the roman.
empire, including the capital city.
Village Idiot
The above quote was from Thomas Jefferson to General Alexander Smyth Monticello January 17 1825
I don't know why that got omitted from my first post.
Logical Problem with WT Anointed
by Vanderhoven7 inthe watchtower september 1, 1951, in a wonderful article entitled “hated for his name”(pp518,519) describes the persecution and martyrdom of steadfast christians in the first 3 centuries ad.. by the year (a.d.) 64 christianity was.
prominent throughout much of the roman.
empire, including the capital city.
Village Idiot
Dear Sir,
I have duly received four proof sheets of your explanation of the Apocalypse with your letters of December 29th and January 8th; in the last of which you request that so soon as I shall be of opinion that the explanation you have given is correct I would express it in a letter to you. From this you must be so good as to excuse me because I make it an invariable rule to decline ever giving opinions on new publications in any case whatever. No man on earth has less taste or talent for criticism than myself and least and last of all should I undertake to criticise works on the Apocalypse. It is between fifty and sixty years since I read it and I then considered it as merely the ravings of a maniac no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams. I was therefore well pleased to see in your first proof sheet that it was said to be not the production of St John but of Cerinthus a century after the death of that apostle. Yet the change of the author's name does not lessen the extravagances of the composition and come they from whomsoever they may I cannot so far respect them as to consider them as an allegorical narrative of events past or subsequent. There is not coherence enough in them to countenance any suite of rational ideas. You will judge therefore from this how impossible I think it that either your explanation or that of any man in the heavens above or on the earth beneath can be a correct one. What has no meaning admits no explanation and pardon me if I say with the candor of friendship that I think your time too valuable and your understanding of too high an order to be wasted on these paralogisms. You will perceive I hope also that I do not consider them as revelations of the Supreme Being whom I would not so far blaspheme as to impute to Him a pretension of revelation couched at the same time in terms which He would know were never to be understood by those to whom they were addressed. In the candor of these observations I hope you will see proofs of the confidence esteem and which I entertain for you. -
Why aren't there windows in the KH?
by longgone inthe last kh i attended, (faded) was built in 2014. there are no windows anywhere, although the front doors are glass.
it's nothing but a brown brick rectangle, as nondescript as possible as well.. any thoughts about why?.
Village Idiot
I was told by the elder who studied with me that there were no windows so as to not distract yourself from the talks. Funny, I would have thought that building codes would have required a minimum amount of windows in any building.